Venice running tours now listed on Go! Running tours network

gort_badge_frontpage_230x230_greyblue_runner_transparentcircle_globe_shadowVENICE BY RUN is now part of Go! Running Tours network

VENICE BY RUN at the beginning of April became proudly part of Go! Running Tours network.

Go! Running Tours was launched in 2014 by two sightrunning tour operators – Running Tours Barcelona and Running Copenhagen. It originates from a wish to organize the sightrunning industry and develop a premium brand that guests can trust to deliver high quality tours. Today the network cover more than 30 countries and over 35 cities.

We do share the same principles of Go! Running Tours about sightrunning for our Venice tours:

  • Authentic A unique chance to run with a local and let him show you his city
  • Fun Just trust us – it is really fun
  • Healthy No matter if, you join a 5 k tour or a 25 k tour, this activity is a healthy and active way of experiencing a city (and are for some of our guests the ticket for eating that extra ice cream with good conscience)
  • Social All the tours are informal and feel free to chat with the guide and the other runners
  • Unique Do not be surprised if your guide shows you their favorite spot in the city or if they make a detour to show you, an exhibition because you mentioned liked Modern Art

For all these reasons, VBR decided to join the network in order to continue spreading the sightrunning across tourists and give them the opportunity of living a different experience in a unique city.

Discover more about the network on Go! Running website.

Choose a date on our calendar menu, book a tour and have fun with us!

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